Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Những tính năng sẽ không có trên iPhone 5
Analysts have commented users should not expect much in the iPhone 5, by phone model probably will not be integrated connectivity features such as 4G or NFC technology. Analyst Keith Bachman of BMO Capital Company commented that, Apple will not offer a version of the iPhone 4G network supported until early in 2012.
Bachman explained the reason is because the device's battery life will have an important role in the transmission of data 4G. He also said that the release of next-generation iPhone will be biased toward small changes, rather than create a major revolution, and thus these features may appear better camera or just a shell designed to look different. Newspaper New York Times suggests that Apple s are wondering about the release of an iPhone integrated NFC technology, most likely the upcoming device also ignore this feature. On the pages of technology world there are many mixed rumors about the next generation iPhone. It is reported that in June next, the notable feature of this form will be Apple device revealed, and the launch time was set for 21 / 9 to. Meanwhile, the site Business Insider predicts that "the iPhone 5" will not support NFC technology (Near Field Communication), which allows data transfer with another device by touching or waving the two devices through the other. According to Huffingtonpost



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