Monday, May 23, 2011

Đổi iPhone, iPad ‘cũ lấy mới’That new information is available on the world's leading retailer Amazon, in the curriculum of their latest stimulus.
Accordingly, you can sign up online to conduct the exchange of their old IOS device as the iPhone 3G, iPod Touch, iPod Classic or iPhone iPad to take 4 or iPad 2 stamps intact.
Of course, the conditions set your device must also work well (the expert valuation of the Company), and you must take an amount of loss for this swapping. However, this can not be regarded as a more pleasant news for those who already own the iDevice "antiques" are usually pretty cheap price on the shopping site specializing in "second hand" other.
The price for an iPod Touch 3rd generation 64GB version is priced 156 USD, 235 USD iPad is a 16GB and 8GB 3G iPhone is 162 USD. Including the iPad 2, if you wish to exchange, Amazon is ready to do it with price 330 USD for the 16GB version. According to Cult of Mac



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