Friday, May 6, 2011

Those who hated it did not cause pain but to reduce your facial beauty.
Loại trừ mụn đầu đen trên mũi và cằm

Not cause swelling, pain such as inflammatory acne, blackheads, but also to burden to many girls.Blackheads treatment must be very patient, because even if you choose the right medication can not dismiss it in one night. If anxious and just try squeezing the blackheads that pushed deep inside, causing dermatitis. Meanwhile, even better to some drugs, you need to wait for 8 weeks until the spots disappear blackheads.
Step 1: Choose the appropriate product
Formation of blackheads is due to sebum, so choose the type of drug reduces sebum and dead cells.These acne products containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or a combination of alcohol and acetone, sulfur and resorcinol can cause dry skin though, but will work very well for the treatment of blackheads.
Step 2: Hard surface cleaning
Should use mild cleanser to wash your face morning and evening or as active medium caused sweating.Avoid soaps that contain strong or astringent as it will compliment the skin drier and stimulate the production of more mucus.

Step 3: Ask your doctor
If self treatment is not effective, ask to visit a dermatologist to prescribe a drug to be combined with proper drinking and swimming outside.



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