Tuesday, November 1, 2011

There are things men never disclosed to others, even to her lover, partner of ho.Vay the truth of what he thought about love, marriage and sex?

Like to be hugged when sleeping
Most men admit they would love to be held as a child, was enclosed in the arms of someone (especially during sleep), because it gives them a sense of calm, very comfortable and safety.
Always confident in bed
Do not know the truth, their ability to first, but the fact is, men always appreciate the ability to "make love" to their women. Because of this confidence to think that even if they have a few minor problems during sex, it's not a big problem. This also explain why men often keep the spirit of comfort, do not worry as "sex" is the first matter.
The 'secret' men never disclosed
Even if they are not the perfect man in bed, men would still be confident
Women do not like makeup too dark
Undeniably, makeup is for women to become more beautiful and sexy, but most men still appreciate the natural beauty than the beauty is adorned with makeup. They feel "scared" when looking at a face makeup too dark, too flashy with lots of different tones.
Men also like to go shopping when sad
Not only women are included habit when shopping unhappy mood, or when parting lovers. Men also do this often, because they say, wear clothes that made them feel more confident, and seemed to turn into a new man.
Do not like "love" in the bathroom
This may seem surprising because men are always interested in looking for new sex life. But they do not like sex while taking a shower. They said that the bathroom is not appropriate locations for "sex" because it's too wet, unhygienic, and will not be easy.
Thus, for men, the idea of ​​"love" in the bathroom is a bad idea, and not as great as many people think.
Fear of feeling tied to a
Perhaps this is the only reason why men like love, but do not like engagement or early marriage. When deciding to marry someone, it means that from this moment onwards, this will be the most perfect woman in their eyes, and they were not allowed to think or look at any girl no other.
Marriage also means that they do not have the opportunity to "turn around" anymore. Overall it's a feeling heavy, and uncomfortable with men. Statement "Women mature earlier than men," not wrong at all results: while women want to stick with a fast stable, the men want to have plenty of time to play, and knowing more girls.
The 'secret' men never disclosed
Men also great scrutiny of women's clothing
Or jealous for no reason
This is what a lot of guys admitted. Although his girlfriend, or lover do not fault them, but they are jealous to see myself unworthy to her (good or beautiful girlfriend giang than, for example), and the fear of losing People love to hand another guy more deserving.
Or "scrutiny" of women's clothing
The little sister to take care of her dress down as more men are actually paying attention to women's clothing there. In the opinion of men, women sometimes dress "ungainly" and not to do with each other. They really do not understand why there is the girl wearing a white shirt, pearl jewelry when "tea cup", to stir with friends, or high-heeled sandals to attend a sporting event.
Sex on the beach is a terrible thing
We have read many documents say, sex on the beach gives men a great sense of wilderness, and the excitement level high. But the gentleman denied it. Sea Space is extremely romantic, but they prefer to stroll and sip a little wine rather than "making love".
Ignoring the girl you love
Sometimes, standing in front of the girl you love, male or gestures, actions to be "teasing." At times they openly flirt with other girls in front of you, when they praised her to this "hot", her other "hot" makes you feel like what he did to his attention , that he did not have any chance with him. But the truth is he is "close" to being ignored by the other girls there.


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