Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bắn đứt ngón tay để trị mụn cócFeeling uncomfortable with warts on his fingers, a man in England had a gun fired straight into the hands, then sentenced to 16 weeks imprisonment suspended for this behavior.
According to The Sun , Mr Sean Murphy (38) has trouble with his ugly acne than 5 years. Despite many doctor visits and many different drugs used to treat acne but there is no way a cure. Thus, while deprivation, he was holding the gun picked up the shot in the finger with the desire to remove the nuisance.
Murphy is a security officer in South Yorks, but was dismissed after the shooting. Yesterday, he announced happily, despite the court to imprisonment for possessing illegal weapons. In court, a judge told Murphy: "This is a strange case. He has a variety of tumors and boils the gun to remove it. This is the stupidest way to treat and I do not know what he was thinking. "Murphy said: "I do not want to lose a finger when firing it, but the wounds too severe. The boil disappears and most of my fingers, too, there's nothing and no chance to add it. I felt very sore and fingers is bent. "
Murphy told police that his gun found in the fence near a kindergarten three months ago. Police discovered it was stolen in a burglary in 2009, but Murphy said he knew nothing about such cases. According to the Vietnam Post Office



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