Friday, June 17, 2011

Nghị lực của cô gái bị liệt viết tiểu thuyết bằng môiOnly with His lips, she has written stories about the virtual world vài, attracting over 340,000 visitors.
Many roads lead to Rome. Maybe that's what makes Wang Qianjin not buried dream of Becoming a novelist. Although paralyzed, she can still rely on the movements of the lips that you love to write stories.
Wang Qianjin the computer every day to help her shape the novel page
18-year-old girl from Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province, eastern China has cerebral palsy still do something that normal people sometimes can not: write a novel on a computer using a lip pencil pair for keyboard to type up every note.
The disease not only wickedness in which the moving hand of the girl became very difficult, but also that Wang faced many difficulties in communication. She just rely on computers to communicate with the outside world.
Although she never attended formal education at school but she can fully communicate in Chinese through the characters typed on the computer screen. Especially the girls understand Japanese and Korean.
"I see a lot of drama translation on the screen and I learn from it. I learned these things and learn to pronounce. I always remember everything as possible after the movie" - she said as quoted .
Can only communicate through the computer so Wang really enjoyed the virtual world. She wrote several stories under the moniker " The Exiles Fairy . " The most recent work she is a love story 200,000 characters long journey description of a girl from a wealthy family falls in love with a gangster.
She downloaded the program on the online story and her story has more than 340,000 visitors. "A lot of readers left me messages, asking me to update faster, but I can only write so quickly that there" - she said.
Currently, she is struggling to complete his novel under contract with a publisher online. "I started writing stories at 9am to 1am. Besides eating and sleeping, I spend all my time inside a computer .."
The girl's father, Wang Yunqi, has recognized the talent and the greatness of his daughter after an online publisher offers a cooperation contract to write novels with his daughter. "She was at home and never go to school. It's hard to believe she was writing, but writing a novel" - the father said.
Cerebral palsy is a disease that is characterized by a disorder of brain function and neural networks controlling movement, learning ability, hearing, vision, and ability to think.
The cause is still not confirm. However, many believe the disease occurs due to premature birth, so baby's brain is not fully developed. Babies born to cry right brain may be to provide adequate oxygen or defect of the spine and brain hemorrhage.
Despite serious illness, the image of Wang has become the inspiration for many of them have enough energy to live and overcome the circumstances, illness. according to VNA



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