Monday, June 20, 2011

Selina (S.H.E) bị chỉ trích đóng kịchFemale Vocalist of the SHE has been criticized for using their pain to avoid the affection of fans.
27 / 6 to, fiance of Selina Zhang Thua China will release his autobiography about 90 days in hospital, fighting the pain both physically and mentally after the accident broke the set.
On 15 / 6 recently, he published the first picture blog about the book with these words the emotional mind, "" I wonder if Selina could never forget his pain. Perhaps she needs more time because of what she endured was too great. I look forward to that day. When that day comes it's time to return Selina. "
Not long after that, Selina wrote commentaries on the blog of Thua Middle School: "It is too early to talk about the return. Will more appropriate at this time, we just mention the course of physical therapy."
Mind the words of Selina and her fiance received a lot of the comfort of fans. But there is also commentary criticizing members SHE
"I used to like Selina, but now I think you are going. There are people who have suffered even greater than you. But you complain too much. I feel sorry for Du Hao Minh (actor accident with Selina). You just repeat this conversation to seek the sympathy of the public. Please consider the feelings of others "- one blogger wrote.
Do not avoid anger, Selina answered no comments or with a light attitude: "It is clear that the world has more need of support and encouragement than I do. But you will never understand my pain. I'm not acting. I do not whine. Weibo (micro-blogging site popular in China) was a small paradise for me. Thanks to you that this is the first time I felt regrets. "
Selina (S.H.E) bị chỉ trích đóng kịch
Pictures Selina in April
Selina (S.H.E) bị chỉ trích đóng kịch
Selilna beautiful before crash
According to the Vietnam Post and Telecommunications



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