Thursday, June 16, 2011

An Indonesian graft suspect thought to be hiding in Cambodia has been added to Interpol’s wanted list.

Keo Vanthan, the head of Interpol in Cambodia, confirmed yesterday that Nunun Nurbaeti has been added to the list.

According to the organisation’s website, Nunan – who is listed under her married name, Nunun Daradjatun – is wanted on suspicion of fraud by Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission. She is described as being 60 years old, 1.55 metres tall and weighing 55 kilogrammes.

“I knew, but due to the circumstan-ces of the investigation we would not leak information about this case,” Keo Vanthan said.

The Jakarta Post reported yesterday that Nunun, the wife of former National Police deputy chief Adang Daradjatun, was suspected of paying bribes to several legislators involved in the appointment of a senior post at Indonesia’s central bank in 2004. Nunun has avoided questioning by Indonesian authorities because of a medical condition described by members of her family as “chronic amnesia”.

She reportedly left Indonesia to seek treatment for this condition in Singapore, but subsequent investigations into her whereabouts indicated that she had also been to Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Nunun’s whereabouts are  officially unknown, although Indonesia’s Law and Human Rights Minister Patrialis Akba has told Indonesian media outlets she is in Phnom Penh.

Benard Sinaga, second secretary at the Indonesian embassy in Phnom Penh, said yesterday there had been  no official confirmation of Nunun’s whereabouts as yet.

“We haven’t seen any official information or an official letter from any institution until now,’’ Sinaga said.
“ We are just waiting.”

according to ppp


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