Monday, March 21, 2011

Construction : Late 11th/Early 12th century
Religion: Hindu
Style : Angkor Wat
King : Suryavarman II   (1113 – 1150 )
Location : On the small circuit, between Victory Gate and Ta Keo, opposite Chau Say Tevoda.
Its location and its good state of conservation make a small this temple pleasant to visit. In the purest Angkorian style, this temple is worth a visit the more so as it will make it possible to then go to see Chau Say Tevoda, which resembles to him but which is currently in restoration, just on other side of the road.
There is a lovely terrace in the ruins which exists. The largest terrace which is seen at the other ruins perhaps probably is the cruciform terrace of Angkor Wat, but as for size being different, having been similar as for impression as a terrace it is funny. Several degrees the stairway rising from here and doing to descend the east tower gate, the front shrine passing it keeps advancing to the hall.
As for the scripture house it is not north and south symmetrical and there is on just south side. Furthermore foreward from the road facing to the building, we want paying attention to also the little basin which is. Here is the mark at one time of the ring moat.


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