Sunday, March 13, 2011

The minutes of a meeting act as a reference guide to everything that attendees discussed. It's an important task, but one that can be overwhelming if not done right. When you're in charge of taking meeting minutes, it's best to do some preparation ahead of time. This ensures that the meeting goes smoothly. Remember that you should just take notes during the meeting and then format the minutes after the meeting. This allows you to focus on everything at once.


Thing you'll need:
1.  Recording device
2.  Notepad (optional)
3.  Pen (optional)
4.  Laptop (optional)
  • Ask for a meeting agenda before the meeting takes place. This allows you to anticipate what attendees will discuss during the meeting.
  • Make a list of attendees before the meeting. Check off those attending as they enter the room.
  • Start the recording device before the meeting starts. It will allow you to review anything that you miss or that is unclear in your notes.
  •  Write down the highlights of the meeting. You should not write down everything word-for-word. Rather, jot down a few words that relate to the concept -- only as much as you need to remember when typing up the minutes. Use a laptop or a pen and paper, whatever works best for you.
  • Organize the minutes immediately after the meeting, while the information is fresh in your mind. Follow your standard format for meeting minutes, which may vary by company.
  • Follow up with the meeting leader if you need clarification before publishing the minutes.
By Maggie McCormick


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