Monday, March 21, 2011

Construction : N/A
King : N/A
Location : Near Angkor Borei.

Phnom Da is the hill which becomes the saint which is the vicinity of Angkor Borei that at one time there was a capital of Fu-nan.
In the hill the big hall of the laterite which was built in small ground and 11 centuries which are one of the oldest one presently, with several artificial caves, as the Khmer construction remains. Fu-nan from era time the Mekong delta excavating many canals on the center, built up the marine trade nation, controlled the Indo-Chinese peninsular southern part. Angkor Borei with the ring moat which is surrounded with the rampart, was tied Phnom Da which is that outer harboring by the canal which is about length hundred kilometers. Vicinity of Phnom Da presently has become Vietnamese territory. Fu-nan prospered with floating trade, but with the change of the trade road, it atrophies in around seven centuries.


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