Monday, March 21, 2011

Construction : Late 12th century

Religion : Mahayana Buddhism
Style : Bayon
King : Jayavarman VII   ( 1181 – 1218 )
Location : Angkor Thom – In the prolongation of the Terrace to the elephants.
It’s one of numerous Angkor’s mystery. On a terrace a little with the variation, all in the north of the Terrace of the elephants, is a statue known as “of Leper King “. This terrace owes its name to a small asexual statue that one thinks of being the statue of king Yasovarman who’d have died from the leprosy. But other explanation is that this statue would represent Yama, the god of the deaths, and the terrace would have been in fact a royal crematorium.
On the highly-rated of the terrace, a narrow and long trench and a quantity of magnificent sculptures and preserved well, representing Apsaras, geniuses and monsters, quantity of divinities, a surprising coolness and beauty. This very long corridor, was completely restored, every unsettled sculpture and resettled on the new walls.


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