Monday, January 30, 2012

People in Norway, Iceland and even the UK had a chance to admire the beautiful aurora borealis from the largest solar storms in the last six years.

Storms from the phenomenon caused great lighting, but can also bring trouble.
According Oceanic Administration and the U.S. National Meteorological Administration (NOAA), the problem may include the power density and impact strength up radio signals, television and telephone.
The image of this beautiful auroras appear from the storm by the sun just happened, this is a large solar storm in the last six years. Then, to form the proton radiation from the sun, flew at a rate of 93 million miles per hour.
Aurora in southern Iceland
Aurora near the city of Trondheim
Auroras in Norway, near the city of Tromsoe, northern Norway
Auroral images in Alnwick, Northumberland, United Kingdom - where the aurora occurs rarely
Pennine wilderness on the border between County Durham and North Yorkshire
Town Lakselv in Porsanger Fjord, Norway
Donegal, Ireland
 According to Bee


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