Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Những loại củ quả có hình dáng giống ngườiFruit trees like the woman in Thailand, pear-shape kid in China or the age of two cells of the opposite sex ... is the true picture of natural attraction.
1. Fruit trees varieties woman Naree (Thailand)
Here are pictures of exotic plants in a very rural Thailand. The fruit of this tree resembles a woman of incredible. This species is named Petchaboon, the people in the area known as the tree Naree (women).
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Currently there are many here to research scientists, and many travelers to visit the different areas.
2. Pear-like baby
A Chinese farmers have become rich thanks to grow pear-shaped fruit baby sitting, both hands and feet frozen. Gao Xianzhang, Hexia village, Hebei province, has lost six years of testing to create beautiful pear-shaped eyes. He put the fruit into the mold when they were growing on the branches.Now that he has been the perfect pear as desired.
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Những loại củ quả có hình dáng giống người
Gao harvested more than 10,000 babies and pear shape fruit sold for $ 5 each table (approximately 150,000 USD). He said: "I saw people selling watermelons different shapes with a high price. So I think we have to apply to pears in the garden. There is much more difficult I think. You have to check the time A good place to set the mold. If too long to die, inside the pear will rot. I've learned the best way to avoid any mistakes. "
3. Persimmons figures
This strange ball of a woman was discovered in China rose garden their home. When to plant roses in the garden harvest, a woman in their Royal Nanjing city, China picked a hurry for fear of bird food.She surprised to see a red fruit of the tree. A similar cap head sticking up above the red fruit. Two "arms" to grow beneath the "neck". Elongated as the lower legs.
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According to experts, plant Nanjing Forestry University, persimmons can be the result of a certain variation in the growth process.
4. Ha the cells of the opposite sex 2
Two old age is the cell length of about 30cm and is taken from one tree to 4 m long. Initially many people this is the ginseng plant, but after checking, this is the cell age. A man living in China named Pham has spent 600 yuan (approximately 1.2 million USD) to own the old age of this particular cell.
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Do not just stop there, a man named Lin Wen La in China is also currently own a Galaxy player bulb shaped box just human.
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This man said the box of old age people is 47cm high, weighs 6.16 kg, with an outer layer of soil cover. It is the same person, with arms, legs and trunk, the head not only very clear that even eye sockets, nose and very lively. Two "arms" such as stretching the chest down, can even clearly see it was a "he" Galaxy player box.
La He said he bought the old age of this box for $ 2,000 yuan (approximately 6.2 million) at market Shaoguan, Khuc Giang.
5. Root shaped like a human
Mr. Huang Tung Us in West Lake, Fujian, China is a very special set of roots. Root is shaped like a human, more accurately, like men. Length of about 50cm, with head, torso, four limbs separate.Especially the back and buttocks are also very clear, beyond the ratio between feet and hands is equivalent to the human.
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Local people feel very strange, for it is divine, but the phenomenon Thieu Hoang Tung has decided to bury its roots down into a living tree and daily care.
6. First results of communication ... sensitive
A woman was gardening in the city of San Jose de Ribamar, northern Brazil, have found the home of peanut shape is left carrying "special." Usually this kind of local fruit are round, delicious, taste like a cocktail of Brazil, called Caipirinhas.
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Although not the first bizarre touch that left nine but Maria Aguiar Rodrigues de Farias (53 years), their owners, said there were many visitors went to the left would be a close look "weird" and she began charging. She said: "To see the loss of two real, who wants to photograph me for 15 reals, while filming, they must pay 20 reals." According PLXH


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