Thursday, May 5, 2011

A mother and daughter are preparing to sue the police in Britain, after they were jailed for raising pigeons in the garden.
Ms. Monica McIntosh (76 years) and daughter Janet (46 years) has been arrested on suspicion of causing nuisance to the community.
 They have detained seven hours after police received complaints of neighbors about the birds.

Hai mẹ con bị tống giam vì nuôi chim bồ câu
They were then arrested for nuisance caused by birds. (Illustration)

Before that, neighbors complained that they could not leave the house, when hundreds of birds flock to feed pigeons in her garden at McIntosh High Harrington, UK. They also worry that the birds can drag your mouse to destroy herds. Police then called the mother and child to communicate about the complaint and said they would come home inspection to discuss the case.
However, McIntosh and her daughter were shocked when four police officers appeared and arrested them at home. Ms McIntosh said: "It's a pain. They check all personal belongings and that we were insulting. This is a completely ludicrous."
After seven hours in detention, we were already guaranteed to return home. But they are preparing the documents necessary to sue the police, unless there is a mediation takes place.



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